Travel Fellowship Applications

The Travel Fellowships are funded through a variety of sources to support the participation of young scientists at 50 years Shine-Dalgarno: the impact of RNA science and innovation. Members from the a-RNA Committee will review and rank the applications, and will select the final travel fellowship recipients, based on the established criteria (see below).

Travel Fellowships of $500 will be paid in AUD to the recipient, and recipients are expected to cover any additional costs related to their attendance of the Symposium. It is expected that the recipients of these awards will already have registered and paid prior to notification of their award.

Travel Fellowship Criteria:

1.       Must have submitted an abstract or provide a paragraph outlining the relevance of your research to the symposium.

2.       Must be a post-graduate student at a university or Early Career Researcher (<5 years post PhD) in a field relevant to one of the themes being presented during the Symposium.

3.       Must be able to commit to payment for the conference fees (full duration) at the time of registration with the understanding that this will be refundable if you are not awarded the fellowship, and you decide not to attend the symposium.


Travel Fellowship applications should include a personal statement on the need for travel assistance, the applicant’s cv and a support statement by their supervisor (each up to 1 page in length) and must be submitted by Friday, 5th May 2023.